TYT – 01.21.14 Hour 2

In Uncategorized by omegacat0 Comments

Japan is coming under fire for their practice of dolphin slaughter.  The U.S. Ambassador to Japan tweeted very strong words against this.  Many people struck back at the Amb for her words.  Discussion over whether or not we have a right to interfere with foreign countries’ practices.  An Ohio man that was wearing Google Glass while watching a movie in a theatre was busted in on by the Feds, arrested, and questioned him extensively.  A Republican Colorado State Rep told Brian Kilmeade that its only a matter of time until the legalization of pot in the state will lead to heightened crime.  After President Obama told a publication that he doesn’t think marijuana is more dangerous than alcohol, it was found that WhiteHouse.gov actually disagrees with his assertion about the health risks.  The latest Bachelor spoke out against the LGBT community and how having a gay bachelor wouldn’t work out.  He later apologized over the comments.

A CBS New York doctor reported that sitting for a prolonged period of time is just as damaging as smoking.  Kate Gosselin of Jon & Kate took her two oldest twins on the Today Show to claim that they’re lives are just great.  When they got the chance, they froze up and couldn’t recite what their mother told them to say.

 Look for TYT Announcements from Ambassador Jeni here: http://bit.ly/TYTForum

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