TYT 01.21.14 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by omegacat0 Comments

Ana, Dave Rubin, and Desi Doyen hosting.  Wendy Davis has been outed for fudging some of the details of her younger years to seem like she struggled more than she did.  Republican opponents are calling her a liar over these revelations.  Both Pennsylvania and Arizona are trying to pass laws that would allow businesses to discriminate against LGBT, single women, or non-Christians, but they’re posing it as religious freedom.  Republican strategist accused Obama of playing the race card too much.  Video of her claims and Marc Lamont Hill rebutting.  Video of Conservatives talking about Obama strictly based on racial lines.  

KY legislators are debating a bill over domestic violence, with one Republican Rep trying to insert a provision that would make abortion a domestic violence issue if conducted after 20 weeks.  Its just another tactic to outlaw abortion before this timeframe.  This same rep is frustrated that a couple of his other schemes to restrict abortion further have been struck down.  Tim Connolly is running for governor of California and a Cuban actress that supports him was hired to be in a Vagina Monologues, but was forced to quit after the company caught hell for having her on, with her views against immigration.  Sen David Vitter is announcing his run for governor of Louisiana.  Ana remembers his bust after being a client of the DC Madam’s.   

Pastor Jeffress went on The O’Reilly Factor to discuss how Obama is grooming us for the Anti-Christ by providing us with ObamaCare and other policies, which takes over peoples’ lives and attacks Christians.  A Detroit area councilman spoke out vehemently against the city of Detroit.  He went on to say that his plan for the city was to turn it into an Indian reservation, put up gates, and throw in blankets and corn.  After he caught heat for this, his office blamed the newspaper that reported it with their bias against him in mind.

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