Cenk Uygur recently participated in the 28th Amendment National Roadshow, where many speakers and political activists joined together in the fight to remove the overwhelming power of money out of politics. In this panel, Jeffrey D. Clements (co-founder of Free Speech for People, and author of Corporations are not People), Kathay Feng (Executive Director of California Common Cause), Daniel Lee (Executive Committee, Move To Amend), Peter Mathews (KEIB Radio host, author of Dollar Democracy), and Alison Hartson (Wolf-PAC) speak out on how citizens can work together to change the unfair advantages corporations get in our current political climate. Should campaign finance laws be made instead of a 28th amendment? What about a democracy movement? If the overwhelming majority of Americans support getting money out of politics, why can’t we get it?
More on the 28th Amendment National Roadshow: http://www.moneyoutvotersin.org/28th_amendment_national_roadshow
More on Wolf-PAC: http://www.wolf-pac.com/