Q&A with Cenk – How We Get Money Out of Politics

In TYT Shows on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments


How can we reach a state in the nation where our politics are uncorrupted by money? Cenk Uygur fielded a question and answer session at the 28th Amendment National Roadshow. Activists united at UCLA to speak and discuss how we as citizens can effectively get an amendment to get money out of politics and defeat the effects of the disastrous Citizens United.

Why did Cenk vote for President Obama in 2012 if he’s also key in keeping power in the hands of corporations? Why do corporations have human rights, and who should be blamed for that?

Cenk Uygur breaks it all down in his Q&A to get money out of politics.

More on the 28th Amendment National Roadshow: http://www.moneyoutvotersin.org/28th_amendment_national_roadshow

More on Wolf-PAC: http://www.wolf-pac.com/


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