Operation Democratic Backbone

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Aaron Wysocki6 Comments


Sign the petition to get strong progressives into the Democratic party. http://www.TYTNetwork.com/Backbone

Introducing Operation Backbone, a petition to let Democrats in congress know we want them to stand up to corporate interests. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below. http://tytnetwork.com/go

“Leading Democrats on Capitol Hill don’t think their party is in a state of crisis. In an interview with Politico published Thursday, outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid brushed off questions about whether the Republican Party had reduced the Democratic Party to a smoking pile of rubble in the 2016 elections.

“They have Trump, I understand that. But I don’t think the Democratic Party is in that big of trouble,” Reid said. “I mean, if (FBI Director James) Comey kept his mouth shut, we would have picked up a couple more Senate seats and we probably would have elected Hillary.”

Reid’s comments mirror those of some other powerful Democrats. Earlier this month, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi also downplayed the extent to which Democrats would have to change in an interview with NBC’s Chuck Todd.

“I don’t think people want a new direction,” Pelosi said of her party. Asked after the election why Democrats hadn’t retaken the House, Pelosi also pointed to Comey’s letter and said, “He became the leading Republican political operative in the country — wittingly or unwittingly.””*

Read more here: http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politic…


  1. While I appreciate everyone’s frustration with the Democratic Party I cannot stand the corporatist, but you’re a total fool if you think you can have a third party of any conscience. Throughout the history of the republic there have almost exclusively been only two major parties in power. The names have changed a few times but it has just been two parties. Third and other parties have always been around but there power is fleeting or they are too small to be of any conscience. Progressives need to take over the Democratic Party like the tea baggers took over the Republican Party. If you just want to cry, wine, and run away instead of changing the DNC your part of the problem not part of the solution.

  2. From the anecdotal evidence I have seen to date, the state parties are going all in to keep establishment members on the DNC. This will result in another establishment member being elected as Chair. At that point it should be painfully clear that the DP has no intention to welcome the Left into the party. I would hope at that point that Bernie, Keith, Tulsi, Nina and company will see that their time, energy and people power are best put to use building a new Progressive Party of the Left. The repubs have gone all in as a far right extremist party. Let the dems take in the shattered remnants of sane repubs, if there are any left out there. Let them take on the mantle of the Eisenhower legacy and give the Left a party they can actually work with on certain social issues. It is long past time for the Left to get its act together and work for the people. The new DNC chair will tell us all we need to know about the future of the Democratic Party.

  3. Fixing the “Democratic” Party is like slapping a fresh coat of paint on the Titanic. It’s SUNK! We need a stout new vessel to sail into the future, not wasting time and effort on a hopelessly corrupt, broken, baggage-laden shattered derelict. The “Democratic” Party was the party of slavery, and even if it SEEMINGLY embraced African Americans later, new immigrants, etc., it simply cannot escape the perception that it patronizes its voters while often disrespecting them, to their faces while simultaneously stabbing them in the back. The “Democratic” Party takes its voters for granted, and it shouldn’t.

    Their elitism problem, their being disconnected from the needs and struggles, from the experience of the VAST majority of Americans, which may explain their behavior. They seem to labor under the misapprehension that they know better than their voters what’s good for them, while they struggle against one of the biggest battles they face, and the problem is not solvable without replacing most, or even all of the leadership, which is basically impossible without replacing the party itself.

    So ask yourself: the “Democratic” Party has WHAT that we should even want to TRY to save it? Name recognition? A brand? Money? History? Many of its members already occupying positions of power? Let’s look at it.

    1. Name recognition–probably about as many Americans know, I’m sorry to say, the name Kim Kardashian as know “The Democratic Party,” and she hasn’t been around ANYWHERE NEAR AS LONG.

    2. The “brand.” Let’s talk about their “brand.” Their brand is arguably irreparably damaged, and not just because of how the 2016 Presidential Nomination was STOLEN from the legitimate winner, the man who SHOULD have been the HISTORIC FIRST *JEWISH* NOMINEE of a major American political party, who would have WON, by the way, and also historic for not being one of the most disconnected, pathetically corrupt, full-of-baloney candidates ANY party has run for office in HUMAN HISTORY. Their brand is further damaged by the many, many other slimy things they’ve done, too numerous to list here.

    3. Money. THIS. IS. THEIR. PROBLEM. Do we WANT our candidates to be drinking from the poisoned well of money from the super-rich donors who OWN the “Democratic” Party?!? On the contrary, that is the LAST THING WE SHOULD WANT! That’s why I donated $25 to Bernie Sanders, (before he betrayed us by endorsing that crooked liar Hillary Clinton)! Their theft of the nomination left so many people like me with no one to vote for. I still showed up, still voted, I just cast my vote for someone else. Never mind whom, it wasn’t the “Republican” candidate, nor the “Democratic” one. It’s amazing the arrogance, the ignorance, the sheer gall of the DNC and party leadership in office, how they seem to just ASSUME they’re entitled to people’s votes.*

    4. History. Like brand, their history is one no modern inclusive and progressive party should want. It is rife with corruption, loaded with baggage, weak politicians wimping out and knuckling under to Republicans, the LAST THING they should be doing, and they do it ALL THE TIME.

    5. Members already in power… I think I’ve already illustrated how this is a problem, not an asset; the ones who are already there are mostly corrupt, mostly bought-and-paid-for by their donors/owners, mostly have this history of backing down in the face of pressure from special interest groups, or opposition from or by the Republicans. These turncoat “Democrats” were complicit in doing the damage the “GOP” has done to America, from gerrymandering to Trump, and beyond.

    The “Democratic” Party is irreparable, it is irredeemable, and it is unsalvageable.

    We should form a new party from the disaffected people who have been abandoned by the “two” obsolete, so-called “major” political parties. For those of you who don’t know history, this is how the Republican Party came into existence. It didn’t coalesce from NOTHING, it was what formed from the remnants of older, FAILED parties. It managed to do this during a time when there was no internet, no phones, etc. What’s OUR excuse, I wonder.

    Well, the “Democratic” Party has FAILED. They cheated, nominated a corrupt, corporate puppet, a whore-for-big-cash-donations, (politically incorrect as it is applying the word ‘whore’ to a woman, it’s what she is. Why else was she at Donald Trump’s WEDDING?!? Huh? She was PAID to be there. That’s a WHORE. Sorry, but that’s what a whore does–a whore takes money for loathsome and distasteful jobs he or she would never consider doing without compensation. Think HRC, an alleged feminist WANTED to be there to watch a mail-order bride, a woman with a PRICE TAG on her, marry a womanizing, decrepit old fossil, as loathsome on the inside as he is on the outside?!? (And if I’m wrong about that and he’s really an okay guy who just plays a schmuck on TV, how is it my fault that I take him at his word, or words, rather, that he’s a SCHMUCK?) Hillary and Bill Clinton, let’s be honest–BOTH WHORES). THEY, the party’s “leaders” are the ones most responsible for the fact that Donald Trump, a reality-show clown people KNOW isn’t qualified, isn’t prepared, doesn’t have the intellectual capacity, is now “President Elect”. It’s not Bernie’s fault they picked a useless corrupt weak candidate, it’s not the voters’ fault for not falling for the lie that they OWE the “Democratic” party their allegiance, their money, or their VOTES.

    We need a NEW party to provide a place to go, a cause to believe in, to come up with and help elect, candidates who are NOT owned by the rich, nor beholden to corporations, who aren’t inexperienced or unqualified, and who are STATESMEN and WOMEN, and NOT politicians. We need leaders who REALIZE their own best interests are ALIGNED with, not OPPOSED to, the interests of the people of the United States of America. If they don’t realize it because in their case it’s not true, why should we consider electing that person in the first place?

    Here’s an idea: How about the Wolf Pack Party? Or just the Wolf Party… that’d be pretty sweet, would it not?

  4. I don’t want the DP to have a strong progressive wing. I want the DP to be THE progressive party of the the Left. Establishment and corporate DP members can switch over to the repubs for all I care.

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