Monsanto Lobbyist Accidentally Admits Roundup Is Deadly

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Watch this Monsanto lobbyist end up looking like a complete ass on live television! He accidentally admits that people are trying to kill themselves with Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide.


Lee Camp: It has been a bad week for giant, evil corporations. Can’t they get a break? The World Health Organization’s cancer agency came out last week and announced that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup Herbicide was classified as probably carcinogenic to humans.

Now, that sounds bad, that sounds bad, but it’s only humans. I mean, humans are like the worst. Have you seen their magazines? All right? They suck. They do. They suck. Most of them are just an endless quest to see a celebrity nipple. The fruitless, unrequited quest. So close, so close. Anyway, Monsanto tells us that glyphosate does not accumulate in the human body. It washes right through and out the other end like Indian food or Dan Brown novels.

According to resident Negative Nancy’s, glyphosate has been found in the breast milk or nursing mothers and in urine collected miles from application sites. Exactly. Roundup is only dangerous if you sprang it on your breast or collecting urine down the road. So what if it’s not safe for people with weird fetishes? All right? If you need to spray Roundup on your breast in order to kill the weeds, you’ve got more pressing personal hygiene problems. So close, so close.

Monsanto told the WHO to retract their statement because the EPA says Roundup is safe and part of a complete breakfast like cookie cancer and frosting glyphosate. Where does the EPA get their information? From Monsanto. Where better to learn whether something is great than from the people making it. It’s like if George W. Bush were asked to pick the best painter of all time. He’d be like, “Me. Me. Probably Me.” Nailed it.

Unfortunately, there were at least two occasions when the EPA has caught scientists deliberately falsifying test results at research laboratories hired by Monsanto to study glyphosate, but that’s how science works. Corporation hires scientists to say their [bleeped 02:21] don’t stink, scientist reports there’s a 99.7% chance they [bleeped 02:26] don’t stink. That is the scientific method as devised by Galileo in 1492 when he proved the ocean was blue. I went to public schools.

Listen WHO, if you don’t shut up, Monsanto will disappear you and then people will go, “What happened to the WHO?” Everybody will respond, “Who?” Take your time on some of this. Take your time. Glyphosate is safe. Don’t take it from me. Take it from GMO advocate Patrick Moore.

Patrick: You can drink a whole quart of it and it won’t hurt you.

Interviewer: You want to drink some? We have some here.

Patrick: I’d be happy to actually. Not really, but …

Interviewer: Not really?

Patrick: I know it wouldn’t hurt me.

Interviewer: If you say so. I have some glyphosate.

Patrick: No, no, no. I’m not stupid.

Interviewer: Oh, okay. It’s dangerous, right?

Patrick: People try to commit suicide with it and fail, fairly regularly.

Interviewer: Tell the truth. It’s dangerous …

Patrick: It’s not dangerous to humans. No, it’s not.

Interviewer: No? Are you ready to drink one glass of glyphosate?

Patrick: No. I’m not an idiot.

Lee: Okay. That looks bad, but Patrick Moore was just referring to the new motto of Roundup, “Roundup, Herbicide for Idiots.” Okay. He was saying legally he can’t drink the delicious substance because he’s an idiot. I mean, not an idiot. That motto just barely beat out another slogan Moore mentioned in that interview.

Patrick: I know people try to commit suicide with it and fail, fairly regularly.

Lee: Roundup, People try to commit suicide with it and fail, fairly regularly. You know you have a solid product when people are frequently trying to kill themselves with it.

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