Yelp Goes After The Prosecutor From ‘Making A Murderer’

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson2 Comments


Yelp users are going on the offensive against a prosecutor featured in the documentary film ‘Making A Murderer.’ The Yelp users believe that the prosecuter framed a man and sentenced him to jail unjustly. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian (The Point) hosts of The Young Turks discuss.

Do you think Avery was framed? Let us know in the comments below.

Read more here:…

“The story has polarized many viewers, as the series, from filmmakers Laura Ricciardi and Moira Demos, suggests that the Manitowoc County Sheriff’s Department—and by extension Kratz—planted evidence to frame Avery for murder.”

“The lives you have ruined,” wrote one woman. “The ‘law’ you and your contemporaries completely disregard. You are an absolutely DISGUSTING HUMAN BEING and what makes me want to vomit the MOST about you, is that you most likely sleep well at night. You sir, might possibly be a sociopath. You should be the one in jail, so that you may not continue to ruin innocent people’s lives and wreak havoc upon the justice system.”

“If they had “0” stars as a rating, I’d select that!” wrote one man. “This sorry excuse for a human being should be doing life in prison, not Steve Avery (or his nephew, Brendan Massey).”

“Anytime you edit 18 months’ worth of information and only include the statements or pieces that support your particular conclusion, that conclusion should be reached.”

“Suggestions that I shouldn’t even be walking around [were] offered,” he said, along with “the good cheer that I [should] happen to develop stomach cancer for Christmas and really lots of really troubling pieces of correspondence.”


  1. I hate these stories. The ‘Paradise Lost’ case from Arkansas, etc.
    Other storiesi infuriate in which prosecutors overreach for press a ‘a strong record’, like the woman who was prosecuted for rape because as a 17 year old she gave her 16 year old boyfriend a BJ in class during a movie, and is now a convicted sex offender with all that that entails, Of course, the prosecutor said he was doing it for ‘her’. The woman convicted of manslaughter when she jaywalked and her child was killed… The list goes on.
    Meanwhile prosecutors refuse to indite when cops ON CAMERA shoot unarmed young people of color, or do so lazily in the face of public outcry.

  2. I binge watched the entirety of “Making a Murderer” and could not tear myself away. This documentary is a MUST SEE for all Americans. This case is NOT an anomaly…for these small/rural counties are fiefdoms run by self-important, “good old boys” top brass. They would rather engage in a conflict of interest prosecution and put the poor in prison, than see their power and wealth wrested away from them. THE ISSUE in this case was that the county, the prosecutor, the sheriff and the deputies involved in the first prosecution of the rape case were all being sued for 36 million dollars for the wrongful conviction. The county’s insurance refused to cover the liability because there was wrongdoing in that prosecution. That left the county and the named individuals on the hook for damages. To get out from under that liability, they framed Steve Avery for murder to damage his lawsuit, They made a big show of saying that they would be at arms length from the investigation of the murder charge…when in actuality they were knee deep in the investigation…planting evidence and setting up Avery’s mentally challenged nephew to make a false confession that involved the nephew in the crime and to implicate Steven Avery. This was a classic conflict of interest prosecution!!

    I hate to say it, but this happens all too frequently. Look hard at this documentary…do not skip any of it. Remember, this did NOT happen in the former Soviet Union or under the dictatorship of a Pinochet, THIS HAPPENED IN AMERICA! The so called watchdogs that are supposed to oversee the judicial process and overturn corrupt cases usually hear only 4 out of a 100 cases (in California) and whether a case has merit to be heard, has nothing to do with whether it will be heard. There was enough reasonable doubt in both cases to drive a Mack truck though. But when everybody goes along with the conspiracy, the sheriff, the deputies, the prosecutor, the respective judges,…and they find a defense attorney to represent the defendant who will go along with the game…as is shown in this documentary…the defendant does not have a chance. If any of them refuse to go along, they will be ostracized themselves…or even worse…jailed.

    I have personally witnessed this sort of thing in California and I am sickened to this day by it. Juries rarely have a sufficient amount of real life experience to be able to appropriately weigh the evidence and most will vote their biases in the face of solid evidence. Others are more interested in time constraints than in actually doing their jobs. They would rather get out…than mete out justice. That is the reality of it. Our justice system is broken. If you are a disadvantaged white, Hispanic, or black there is very little justice waiting for you in our court system. Oh….and BTW…when they tell you that you have the right to be silent…SHUT UP (!) and ask for an attorney. Tell your children that they are not to open their mouths unless a parent (with an attorney) is with them. For any of you out there that are still so naive as to think that cops are angels and would never do such a thing as plant evidence…what world do you live in? But in an instant like this one, where the county, the prosecutors, and the police were looking at liability for 36 million and were at risk to lose everything they owned, I would not be surprised that when they found the missing girl dead…they viewed it as an opportunity (as their ticket out) to set up Steve Avery with the murder in order to save their bacon. Meanwhile the real murderer walks free.

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