Republicans On Board With Trump: Target And Kill Families Of Terrorists

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson1 Comment


We can’t let last night’s debate pass without focusing a little bit more on what would have been, in sane times, headline news for weeks: and that was that most of the candidates agree that we should target and kill the families of terrorists. Cenk Uygur and John Iadarola (Think Tank), hosts of the The Young Turks, break it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

“Donald Trump was the main event, as expected. He’s the frontrunner and he’s set the parameters for the debate with his various proposals over the course of the campaign to “do certain things that were frankly unthinkable a year ago.” He reiterated his call to kill the relatives of terrorists, at one point even petulantly bellowing “so they can kill us but we can’t kill them?” He also proved that he had no idea what the “nuclear triad” is and suggested that you can “shut down certain areas” of the internet, promising to get the best people to work on the problem. In other words, Trump was Trump, articulating every absurd impulse that passed through his mind.

It’s rather shocking when you think about it. On the stage were three sitting senators, one former and two current governors, all of whom had more knowledge and experience than Trump and it didn’t seem to matter. The entire event was an exercise in who could make a more bellicose pronouncement of martial aggression than Donald Trump. Not that they agreed on what should be done, mind you. They bickered among themselves about whether or not Assad had to go and whether we should put “boots on the ground”. Allegedly reasonable mainstream candidate Chris Christie upped the ante with promises to shoot Russian planes out of the sky while the old guard establishment pol John Kasich said he thought it was long past time we “punch Russia in the nose.” With the exception of Rand Paul, who confined his militant rhetoric to keeping our borders closed to foreigners, they all agreed that more war in some form is absolutely inevitable. If people in other countries were watching they must have been terrified by what they heard.”*

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