Paul Ryan Vows No Immigration Reform, Because Obama

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments


Paul Ryan is your new Speaker of the House. Is he going to work with Obama better than his predecessor? Of course not. He recently laid out the fact that he’s not going to allow immigration reform and how he’s going to blame Obama for it. The fact is Paul Ryan’s owners/donors don’t want immigration reform so Paul Ryan doesn’t. The “I’m not gonna cuz Obama is untrustworthy” excuse is of course pure bullshit. Cenk Uygur, host of the The Young Turks, breaks it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

“Speaker Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) refusal to work with President Obama on immigration is “preposterous,” the White House said Monday.

Press secretary Josh Earnest called Ryan’s claim that he cannot trust the president on the issue “ironic,” given he helped write bipartisan immigration reform legislation in 2013 only to stand with House GOP leaders in Congress who refused to take up a bill.

“It’s a little hard for him to make the claim that somehow the president hasn’t acted in good faith on immigration when Speaker Ryan actively thwarted a compromise he himself helped to broker,” Earnest said.

“And then for him to come back and claim it’s somebody else’s fault? It’s preposterous.”

During a round of Sunday talk show interviews,Ryan said there wouldn’t be any immigration reform legislation during the final year of Obama’s presidency. “*

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