Trump Calls Bernie Sanders A Commie Maniac

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson4 Comments


After the Democratic debate, Donald Trump attacked Bernie Sanders by calling him a Communist. He then acted as if he’s the first person brave enough to say what we’re all thinking. Surely nobody on Fox News or AM radio has ever mused about Bernie Sanders being a communist. No you see it takes a strong capitalist maniac to properly identify communist maniacs. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian (The Point), hosts of the The Young Turks, break it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

“Donald Trump turned his sights on Bernie Sanders during a Wednesday speech, telling a Virginia crowd that the Democratic presidential candidate was a “maniac” and a “communist.”

“I watched Hillary last night, ‘we’re gonna give this, we’re gonna give that, we’re going to give that,’” he said. “The poor woman, she’s gotta give everything away because this maniac that was standing on her right was giving everything away, so she’s following! That’s what’s happening.”

“This socialist-slash-communist, okay? Nobody wants to say it,” Trump said to wild applause.

“He’s gonna tax you people at 90 percent; he’s gonna take everything!” he continued. “And nobody’s heard the term ‘communist.’ I call him a socialist-slash-communist because that’s what he is.””*

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  1. Are US-Americans aware that their elections are regarded as a mere Punch and Judy show here in Europe? Why aren’t you setting the hurdles a bit higher so that politicians who run for office have to have some education – and a minimum of manners?
    As for the word “communist”, used as a swear word in the States simply because it used to be a threat to US predominance: Do you remember that communists stood up against Hitler and he had those killed he could get? Do you also remember that it was communist Russia that defeated Hitler. -And, no, it was not the D-day invasion that was decisive, even though that myth has been propagated for decades (only in the States). At that point, Russia had already won the decisive battles. I wish these facts were made known to Americans, too. I am not defending Stalin’s deeds, but neither can the poisoning of hundreds of thousands in Vietnam and elsewhere, the torturing and bombing of innocent people or in recent times a hospital, be justified. Should “US-American” be a swear word because of these atrocities? No.
    Just having the strongest – or most willing to disregard himan rights- military force and the highest military expenses doesn’t mean that a country is or will remain a true leader. In order to lead, you have to be better than the competition, and better means smarter, more innovative, leading also regarding ethics and sustainability, and in that respect, the US have showed a lack of substance for too long now. Only thanks to TYT, some of that substance is provided. Keep up the good work, thank you!

  2. Why Trump is running for president
    I posted in the comment sections months ago that Trump does not want to be president. Trump was hit hard by the past republican administrations handling of the economy; his real estate took a big hit. His objective is to damage any chance a republican has of getting elected in 2016. When it is clear a democrat will win he will step aside. He is too involved with his business holdings to go through the rigor of being a president of the United States day in and day out; it’s not his style. I can’t believe others don’t see this. He is attacking republicans ad hominem which is having more of an effect because he is cloaked as a republican candidate. If a democrat said the same things trump is saying it would not have the same effect; now you are getting the picture. There are only a few billionaires wanting a republican as president and two of them are the Koch brothers who want to be the richest family on earth and Sheldon Adleson who has his gambling enterprises mostly overseas and wants a lackey in the oval office to expand his current operations within the United States. Trump is doing the down field blocking for the other billionaires at home and abroad who have investments in the United States that will fare better with a democratic president. Trump also knows running for president and getting all the publicity is an added plus for the Trump brand so there is an added incentive for him to keep going in this race. 10/16/15

  3. Because Trump insists he can do most by himself without congress and the supreme court a case can be made that he is a fascist.

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