“Orange Is The New Black” Star Says Sometimes It’s Hard For Straight Guys

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson1 Comment


Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola (Think Tank), and Hannah Cranston (Think Tank) hosts of The Young Turks discuss.

“Actress Laverne Cox has been a forceful advocate for transgender women. She wants the world to know, however, that “gender policing” hurts everyone, and, in particular, men who date transgender women feel its effects in an intensely harsh way. And, she says, these men need someone high-profile among them to come out of this specific kind of closet.

“Most men who are attracted to and date transgender women are probably stigmatized more than trans women are,” she observed in an interview with me on SiriusXM Progress. “I think a man who is dating trans women, who is a celebrity, or famous or is an athlete or something, needs to come forward –- or a musician –- and needs to say, ‘I love transgender women and [they] deserve to be loved and I’m going to declare that publicly.’ I think those men need some sort of inspiration and hope, so they can live more authentically.”

With the third season of “Orange is the New Black” recently released on Netflix, Cox, who plays transgender prison inmate Sophia Burset, is juggling interview requests and appearing on magazine covers –- including Entertainment Weekly, dressed as Lady Liberty herself -– and talking about not only her role in the groundbreaking series but also how she’s managing fame and using her platform to advocate for transgender people – and for all of us, living in a society in which rigid gender norms are enforced.”

Read more here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/06/18/laverne-cox-men-dating-trans-women_n_7606134.html


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  1. The “POLITICALLY CORRECT” movement that LGBT is awesome for equal rights!

    RESPONSE: No, LGBT is NOT awesome for equal rights, because giving so-called “rights” to LGBT “issues” only creates an even greater disparity to Black people (and other minorities, especially Native Americans) and to women of color. Keep in mind, a White man, like Apple President/CEO Tim Cook already benefits from White-privilege (which is his trump card) and he has and will continue to benefit in ALL aspects of U.S. society because he’s WHITE. At Tim Cook’s original job interview at Apple Computer, the “issue” was not whether Tim Cook puts his penis into another man’s ass or if another man is putting his penis into Tim Cook’s ass; and unless Tim Cook was sucking Steve Jobs penis or Cook told them he wanted to suck Steve Jobs penis the “issue” of Cook’s homosexuality was not relevant. However, the second Cook walked through the door, everyone knew Tim Cook is White, and he was able to benefit from such, while the Black and women candidates received no such advantage. The LGBT movement only gives White men and White women yet another “economic advantage” over Black people and other minorities. FACT: Tim Cook and the clear majority of White people in this country, whether poor or rich, essentially did nothing as the income gap between Black and White people grew and continues to grow. You’d be wrong, naive, or stupid (yes I said that) to disagree with the aforementioned fact.

    Unless you’re a porn star (are you?), what someone does with their vagina or penis has absolutely nothing to do with performing their actual essential job functions (i.e., Lawyer, Accountant, Physical Therapist, Minister, Laborer, Clerk, Teacher, Cashier, etc.); and more importantly, if an employee actually uses their vagina or penis while engaged in the performance of their actual essential job functions they will be terminated for cause and/or arrested for violating company policy and face civil and criminal charges (rape, pedophile, public lewdness, etc.). If you disagree, take out your penis, walk over to any co-worker or customer and engage them in an on-the-job heterosexual or homosexual act. Work is work – period. “Race” and “sex” and “age” will always function as the immediate and most dominate method to identify human beings. At best, the LGBT “community” is a subordinate class with their actual “identity” pre-determined by their “race” and “sex” and “age.” As validated by the ongoing existence of the “Glass Ceiling” and other measures of social, political and economic equality, LGBTs practice and enforce the same racist and sexist White-privilege-based economics and politics used by their non-LGBT peers. Again, Apple’s President/CEO Tim Cook is gay, but as usual, the clear majority of Apple’s employees and management team are White. White men and White women already have “White privilege,” and the LGBT movement does NOT correct the everlasting racial inequity between White people and racial minorities. The attempt by the LGBT “community” to manipulate public opinion to advocate for their so-called “rights” is a heinous act against the rights of Black people, a heinous act against the sovereign rights of Native Americans, and such propaganda is not relevant. Again, just ask the Native Americans [https://youtu.be/8tEuaj4h8dw]. Watch this video!!!

    The playing field with “equal rights” is NOT level, and has NEVER been level, or have you ignored the fact that Black men have been openly murdered by police and non-police White men and women since before, during and after slavery; or the (yet again) murders of nine-(9) Bible-thumping Black people this past week at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in South Carolina? In his 1989 film, “Do the Right Thing,” Spike Lee said, “WAKE UP!” If you don’t keep your “eyes on the prize,” someone will supplant your agenda.

    By the way, Christianity (i.e., religion) is NOT based on the word of God; in order to establish a pro-male hierarchy to strategically politicize and monetize society, Christianity was created by a “few” sane and deranged men (clearly, “inferior” people with a vagina NEVER held any position of authority or shared equal status with men in the Bible).

    My comments are linear and fact-based, and aligned with the objective practice of managing ALL human resources without regard to age, race, sex, creed, national origin, sexual preference, pregnancy, disability, or veteran status but solely on the demonstrated proficiency of the candidate or employee to perform the actual job standards. Unless you’re a porn star, what the candidate or employee does with their penis or vagina is not relevant.

    If you don’t keep your “eyes on the prize,” someone will supplant your agenda.

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