Mainstream Media You Never Had Our Trust, Get Over Yourself

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson2 Comments


Cenk Uygur (host of The Young Turks) discusses NBC News’ announcement of Brian Williams “punishment.” Cenk finds it disgusting that Brian Williams is being punished while Bill O’Reilly gets away with his lies. The real issue is these news actors never had our trust, or any credibility in the first place. Do you agree with Cenk’s decision? Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

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  1. Fox News is an absolute joke. My generation is smarter than that. I served in the Marines and I got out based on the absolute contradictions I was hearing through alternative news sources as to how 9/11 occured. These conservatives are dying off and eventually my generation will be the ones in charge and that gives me hope. Because unlike how the right like to describe us, we aren’t lazy we are disenchanted with the system. We aren’t uneducated we are more educated and in massive debt for it. We aren’t stupid, we see how this world works and all it takes is a spark to ignite a fire and I think my generation, “GenX” and “GenY” and the “Millennials” are not going to let it continue. We will find a way to organize, hopefully under a third party, and we will correct the mistakes of our fathers. Fox News is a joke, don’t watch TV, do your research and stop believing what you are told from a company that calls itself news but defends its comments as entertainment. You can’t have it both ways, but to honest, it doesn’t matter. You are all dying off. The time is coming for us to bury the past and make a better future and it won’t be televised, certainly not on Fox News or by Mr. O’Reilly or Mr. Hannity or Fox and Fiends. Evil will not prevail. Liars will be exposed. The truth will always remain.

    1. I”m 47 and my kids are 25 and 26. I take heart in the fact that by the time I die most of the older generation will be gone, I feel much better leaving the future in the hands of the younger generations that have less ignorance, prejudice, and, hopefully, greed. We need people in charge that aren’t blind to issues like discrimination and global warming.

      I am in the middle generation where, though some are liberal or progressive, many more are stuck in what the older generations told them. They are a product of their raising and carry on the same prejudices and conservative judgement that they were taught, even if they like to think themselves better.

      I am no different, unfortunately. I consider myself very liberal and progressive, not racist, and very open to any sexual preference or orientation. However, sometimes a racist comment will slip into conversation or I’ll catch myself cringing at even the thought of some sexual issues.
      I’m not that way by choice but my being raised by a straight laced racist family colors my thoughts no matter what I think for myself. I am hoping that the next generations have less of such negative influences to color their judgement.

      I’ve done my best with my two kids to instill tolerance and respect for all. I’m sure their generation will be less biased and more open to reality than mine and it can’t come too soon.

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