God Has No Sense Of Humor And Religion Is The Proof

In The Jimmy Dore Show on YouTube, YouTube Posts by Hlarson5 Comments


The attack on Charlie Hebdo ignited a global conversation about free speech, religion and about what it means to be offended.

Jimmy Dore breaks it down.

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  1. Great observations on the reality of the pathetic Democratic Party, that is in the bag for the business establishment, that’s why only a conservative Dem. Can even get the nomination. That’s why money must be taken out of the process

  2. Wait, how many extreme muslim groups, have the US or her allies funded in the past/currently? So, the sauds funded ISIS, yet the US is now combatting them? No, it’s not fuel for the perpetual war machine, not at all. The US openly funded the terroist syria rebels(many who were al quaeda), and many who defected into ISIS. Nope, none of it’s fishy, just believe everything the BS media tells you.

  3. We will not be a “civilization” until there are no more superstitious savages who will kill anyone who disagrees with their superstitions. … And that includes killing doctors who perform a medical procedure, not using available preventive methods for common disease .. and so many other issues of stupidity.

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