Beheading Spurs Gun Fetishism On Fox News

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson4 Comments


“Fox News is using the horrific murder of an Oklahoma woman to misrepresent President Obama’s gun policy and to falsely accuse him of “wag[ing] a war on the Second Amendment” and of wanting to “ban guns in the hands of everybody except the police.”

On September 26 a man who had been recently fired from his job at an Oklahoma food processing plant attacked his co-workers, beheading one with a knife and wounding another. The attack was stopped when the suspect was shot and wounded by the business’ CEO, who is also a reserve sheriff’s deputy. Local law enforcement has asked the FBI to investigate the crime to determine if there is any link to terrorism.”* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

*Read more here from


  1. Did I understood it correctly? Portugal as number 2 in violent crimes ? Don’t think so. Can I have that chart report sources ? Thx

  2. For sure not totally in agreement with Cenk. The statistics I believe are skewed. Even if there was a legislation I think that there would be significant violence with illegal guns. When the UK dealt with the IRA the biggest threat was car bombs and motorcycle bombs. Those are easy and cheap to make. If you don’t buy it ask Oklahoma City. Now I grew up in Arizona. So most people would say you are a strong Republican or you have a Republican background. It is not really the case. I am strongly independent and use the site for a balanced view and like most of the crew. Sometimes I wish there was open debate or I could actually be a part of the show. Growing up in Arizona you are exposed to guns through hobby or open carry. The level of gun violence I have seen with my own eyes is nil. I think regulation as far as who owns guns should be stricter ( especially at fun shows) but after that I disagree with Cenk’s opinion. America is a violent place and would be so without guns. I think bombs or anyone with half a brain that can create a biological weapon that are an easy alternatives that are at least as deadly. Schools basically give you all the information you need in freshmen Chemistry… Just to let everyone know, not everyone from the southwest is like the GOP politicians. There are plenty sure but also a major amount of independents that don;t believe some of the insane things Fox news likes to engage in. We love our guns but we are not stupid. Visit and you will find out. Not all of us think it is wise to give a little girl an Uzi or that Obama is the Anti-Christ…. I promise.

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