Fox Host Wishes For Putin & Craps On Civil Liberties

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson1 Comment


“Fox’s Kimberly Guilfoyle has no credentials in national security, terrorism or international policy and she never seems to have spent one minute in military service. But that’s no reason not to play an expert on how to handle ISIS on Fox News.

On yesterday’s The Five, co-host Greg Gutfeld – another Fox talking head without a single credential qualifying him to make pronouncements about such a serious subject – seemed to view ISIS as just another excuse to smear President Obama, talk tough and bang the drum for a new war. “* The Young Turks hosts Ana Kasparian, Ben Mankiewicz (Turner Classic Movies), and Jasmyne Cannick (Political Commentator) break it down.

*Read more here from NewsHounds:


  1. Let’s take up a new challenge and raise money to buy her a one way ticket to Russia and see how much civil liberties she has then with her lover Putin

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