A restaurant in China unveils robot waiters and cooks.

In POLL by mdpahlas8 Comments


  1. I mean, we would all be free to do more technical, eloquent, higher paying jobs as Ana and Cenk said at the beginning of the trial (when they dropped it). This is true. Unfortunately I have a lot of thoughts as to the imaginations of the creators of such movies as AI, Wall-E, Terminator, etc… etc… etc…- those ideas came from somewhere. Anything is possible.

    1. If this were to happen and robots did take all the jobs people did not want, we should all get like 10 million dollars when we are born just to go spend it and enjoy life.

  2. Cenk / Anna / other TYTers. I don’t know if you watch CGP Grey but if you don’t he’s great, and a YouTube icon like yourselves. See the relevant video below to close this TYT court decision on the matter.
    Humans Need Not Apply: http://youtu.be/7Pq-S557XQU

  3. Im all in for robots taking most of our jobs, there will of course be jobs that only humans can do, but those jobs will be taken by people that want to work and have a interest in that field. the only hindrance will be the economy, it has to be completely removed/reworked for this kind of system to work, the problem would be while robots are taking our jobs because the current economy is still around and people are sent home with no pay. a solution would be that companies have to pay higher taxes and the government is giving money monthly/weekly to people that have had their jobs taken. if humans can ever get a system like this working then our world will become an utopia, so if you want something, food, clothes, etc,.. then just ask and you will get.

  4. The only question is whether america will be part of the economic successes of robotics or will we sit around with our thumbs up our asses while china blazes the trails of the new frontier. Being in favor or not in favor of robots is a ridiculous idea. Were you in favor or not in favor of cars when they came along to replace horses? America was on the front lines of that revolution, and it turned out great for us (even if it was terrible for the environment).

    It’s a terrible predicament; we don’t have the means or tbqh motivation to put 100’s of millions of people through higher ed, and many of their jobs are disappearing, starting with the transportation industry by self-driving cars (which don’t drink alcohol or get tired, have reflexes in the nanosecond ranges, etc, etc.). If you think Uber is going to stay loyal to their drivers, think again. The new age of robots is coming whether you like it or not. The only question is who will adapt and survive…

  5. “One man owns a machine which does the work of five hundred men. Five hundred men are, in consequence, thrown out of employment, and, having no work to do, become hungry and take to thieving. The one man secures the produce of the machine and keeps it, and has five hundred times as much as he should have, and probably, which is of much more importance, a great deal more than he really wants. Were that machine the property of all, every one would benefit by it. It would be an immense advantage to the community. All unintellectual labour, all monotonous, dull labour, all labour that deals with dreadful things, and involves unpleasant conditions, must be done by machinery. Machinery must work for us in coal mines, and do all sanitary services, and be the stoker of steamers, and clean the streets, and run messages on wet days, and do anything that is tedious or distressing. At present machinery competes against man. Under proper conditions machinery will serve man.”

    -Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man under Socialism

  6. While I do not want people to lose their jobs, I believe that robots taking nearly all labor jobs is unavoidable. However I think it will be a stepping stone to getting a resource based economy. A future were humans will only have to be creative and educated on how to maintain technology and the economy. This would finally allow us to create and discover more then we ever have. It will be rough getting there, and if I was in the position of replacing workers with robots, I would do everything in my power to train them for other jobs, or find other jobs for them. I want the robots to change our world, but we also need to support the people who eventually will be replaced by them.

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