Would I Date a Broke Guy? Ana Kasparian’s Ask Me Anything

In Ana Kasparian on YouTube, YouTube Posts by Hlarson7 Comments


You asked me questions on Twitter, and I answer them in this video! Some of the questions include how my political views have changed since I was a teenager, and whether or not I would consider marrying a stay-at-home dad. I also get into the issues of prostitution, the drug war, and more.


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  4. I love Ana even more after this video. I met her in person and she’s everything you see on camera, so sincere, real and lovable. Don’t be a hater and love the ANA.

  5. OMG! You’re half from my city, Damascus! I never would have guessed!
    Am really sorry that the situation is very shitty there, otherwise we would have invited you back and you would be very welcome, but now even I’m staying in Istanbul, and I don’t even know if I will ever go back :(

  6. The go-go dancer one was an awesome zinger; and I agree 100% about learning languages. I learned 3 by the age of 5 and it felt like a piece of cake back then but learning more as an adult is a lot harder.

  7. For once I am in total disagreement with you, Ana. If this teacher who asked her students for advice on her love life was careful about the way to involve the kids she gave the message that they are important, that they understand something about human relations and that they have to live through the ups and downs of adult relations even if they might be better away from adults.

    If she involved children in talk about positions and toys, I might have a different opinion, but the very idea that you can keep children insulated from “adult subjects” just does not work. As someone who is a lot older than you and has dealt with infant psychology I can tell you, kids end up involved whether you want to accept it or not.

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