Congress Embarrassingly Unproductive

In Uncategorized by Hlarson1 Comment


–The previous “least productive” Congress was far more productive than our current Congress

–On the Bonus Show: The Supreme Court rules on Aereo, Fox News rips off a video game logo, Adolf Hitler: tax dodger, more…

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Broadcast on July 3, 2014


  1. Ladies and gentlemen, the simple truth is that we can fire them. We can fire them by not electing them. If, at every election, instead of worrying about left, right, conservatives, liberals or whatever label you wish to apply and simply voted the incumbent out the message would be sent. The challenge we face is not this label versus that label. The challenge we face is with the public’s inability to realize that finger pointing and clever gibes do nothing to solve the problem. “But, I don’t want to vote republican/democrat/libertarian”. Not to worry. Next election vote the incumbent out. Continue to vote the incumbent out.

    We complain, without end, about government but continue to put 90% of them back in to office. If they did a good job, then thank them for their service and tell them it’s time for someone else. Stop allowing them to offer their “platform” on which they run. It may take time but eventually the message will be clear. They are a mouthpiece for the community they represent. I don’t care what they say they stand for. I care that when the majority of their constituents say “do this” that they do it. We know that power corrupts. We know that absolute power corrupts absolutely. “But my guy/girl has done a lot of good. Look at their voting record. They ‘deserve’ another term”! No, they don’t. The next person will do just as well because they will do as the majority of their constituents say.

    This is a simple and potentially effective action plan. Party lines are a farce. Political ideology is a charade. Monetary backing would be impotent because it would become a fruitless investment if they knew that someone else would be taking the reigns next term. Let go of party identification. Let go of the idea that a particular “side” is the best side or has the better ideas. Make them understand that their ideas hold no weight because it’s the people who are doing the speaking. We hold the weight. We make the decisions. Vote the incumbent out and continue to vote the incumbent out. Make it so that the door revolves so quickly that it isn’t worth the time to be a “professional politician”. Vote the incumbent out. Stop being sold to. Vote the incumbent out. Stop being manipulated. Vote the incumbent out. We really do hold the power, but we must learn to wield it properly. Be responsible. Vote the incumbent out.

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