Drama In Your Workplace Could Get Worse

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson1 Comment


Americans are obsessed with ratings. Knozen takes the need to be judgmental of others to a whole other level. This newest app allows you to rate your colleagues based on personality traits, job performance etc. This can only lead to disastrous dramz in the workplace! Do you agree? Are there any benefits? Would you use this app? Cenk Uygur (http://www.twitter.com/cenkuygur) and Ana Kasparian (http://www.twitter.com/AnaKasparian) discuss.

“There may be times when you really want to tell your colleagues what you think of them, but are left biting your tongue.

Knozen offers a solution.

The free app lets you anonymously pit co-workers against each other based on how good they are at their job, and their personality traits – and will rate them on each quality.

Examples include ‘Who would leave work early for a date?’, ‘Who is more assertive?’ and ‘Who would pack for a trip way in advance?’

The user then selects the best match, before being given another question and two possible colleagues.

Colleagues are selected at random.” *

*Read more here from http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2676191/The-app-lets-rate-COLLEAGUES-Knozen-scores-workers-performance-personality-bossiness.html


  1. I hate drama.The less gossiping at the office the better. I have gotten in the habit of telling people “No i do not want to hear how George made out on his date with Suzy.. Less drama more productivity more of a relaxed environment at work Peace!!!

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