Satanic Worship CANCELLED After Outrage On Campus

In Think Tank on YouTube by Hlarson7 Comments


Harvard’s “black mass,” organized by Satanic Temple, has been cancelled after outrage from religious and educational leaders called the event an “affront to the faithful.” Find out how this satanic worship group got kicked off Harvard’s campus, and what organizers plan to do about it. Tweet:

Do you think Harvard’s student should be allowed to hold a satanic “black mass” on campus? Let us know in the comments!

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  1. So, Cara Santa Maria’s advises to the satanists is to be HYPOCRITICAL by doing some good work, disguising themselves as philanthropists and atheists, during their satanic practices in order to make the catholic church’s statement look HYPOCRITICAL! DUH!!!!! What a sense of LOGIC!!!!!! That’s a complete irrational or hypocritical statement she made here!
    She look young. She is certainly rehashing things she heard from people who influenced her, as she didn’t have time to really think them through. She is certainly not mature and logical enough to fulfill her agenda of educating the mass through media – as I heard her talking about in a video. But if Rush Limbaugh is out her, why not she. It’s all about the freedom of speech. But I have been used to a higher standard, listening to Cenk. Hey Cenk, could you mentor your kids a little bit???
    However John Iadarola is kind of good with fact checking and analysis. But on this one, he completely missed the boat and I am sure he can recognize it. He seems very open-minded. He can do better and should. I know you guys are both trying to be fair, but you don’t throw any kind of shit in the wagon of freedom of religion. We are already struggling with already established religions, their non-senses and atrocities, and you are now bringing on board one more – Satanism. We are not even done yet getting rid of what we already have and you are bringing more to the table!!!!

  2. Satan only exists as opposed to God! So if you believe in Satan, you do believe in God. That means you are not an atheist. There is difference between not believing in the existence of a God – the case of true atheists but not of the satanists as atheists – and renouncing a God that, one believes, exists – the case of satanists but not of true atheists.

  3. However, I do agree that “all fairy tales should be treated equally”. This also means treated equally under the law, when they involve sacrificing humans, fucking kids or stoning women!

  4. Logically, If someone believes in Satan, he/she does believe in God. That means he/she is not an atheist. If there are atheist-satanist, this means that there would be atheist-christians. This is impossible.

    This Laveyan Satanism is a ‘wolf in sheep skin’ – the seducing and shapeshifting nature of Satan, Christians always denounced. Maybe Laveyan Satanists should use a different symbol to show their atheism. There are plenty of good ones. How about a Banana-God! Why Satan?

    They try to disguise themselves buy claiming that people are just absorbing negative pictures of them painted by Hollywood. Those movies are right on target! Often Hollywood tells the truth hidden as a form of entertainment.

  5. Let put simply:


    While atheists would be opposed to all religions, satanists would stand for one – Satanism. It’s true that many satanists might hide as atheists.

  6. No! This girl doesn’t know what she is talking about!!!!!

    1. ATHEISTS are AGAINST RELIGION in the sense that they don’t believe neither in GOD nor SATAN. They don’t believe in the existence of any SUPREME BEING.

    2. SATANISTS are NOT AGAINST RELIGION. They are against other religions except theirs. They do BELIEVE in a SUPREME BEING, SATAN.

    This is not even an issue of freedom of religious. One’s freedom stop where others’ start. Satanism is a criminal issue that need to be addressed by law enforcements. Belief systems that hurt others shouldn’t be accepted in society. That’s the case for religious extremism – CHRISTIAN or MUSLIM – and ALSO FOR SATANISM with its HUMAN SACRIFICES!

    I could agree with many that the CATHOLIC CHURCH with all its CHILD MOLESTATION CASES is not really different from the CHURCH OF SATAN!

    Please get people on your show who know what they are talking about. I know she want to be fair but in her situation, trying to influence others’ opinions, mostly young people, it would be better that she learn more about any subject she want to comment on.

  7. ‘An affront to the faithful’?

    Religion is an affront to the intelligent.

    Religion is not just a crime against humanity, it is a crime against all existence.

    Faith and belief are what the ignorant have, before they get an education.

    It’s time to force it back into the churches, behind closed doors, where it belongs.

    You bring your religion out into the public and you should be ridiculed and reviled, as the lunatic you are.

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