Transgender Woman Wins Eurovision

In TYT Shows on YouTube by Hlarson2 Comments


“It’s always great when someone from our side wins, and by “our side” I of course mean everyone who isn’t Jeremy Clarkson. The gay boys and girls; the trans people; the downtrodden. Conchita Wurst got up on that stage on Saturday and sang for everyone who has ever been made to feel ashamed or afraid for being different. And with 290 points she didn’t just win Eurovision, she absolutely stormed it. I salute her. If I thought it would please her I’d cut off my hair and offer it up to her as a gift for a goddess. She clearly can’t get enough of the stuff.”*

Conchita Wurst, a transgender woman, won the massive music competition, Eurovision– of course many people had disparaging things to say, but will her message of hope trump them all? Plus, US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel is bringing up the military’s issues with transgender soldiers. Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

*Read more from The Guardian:


  1. Transgender? No! He is male, gay and a drag (queen) artist.
    Sometimes he is a guy named Tom, preferring male pronouns (he, his, him). Out in public, he uses the men’s restroom.
    Sometimes she is a (bearded) female named Conchita, preferring female pronouns (she, hers, her). Out in public, she uses the women’s restroom.
    His real biography has him born in Germany.
    Her made-up biography has her born in Columbia.
    He’s obviously making a gender statement or two, but he’s a man.

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