Actor Trashes Bill Maher

In YouTube Posts by Hlarson3 Comments


Actor Kevin Sorbo ripped “angry and lonely” comedian Bill Maher on Monday during an interview with Steve Malzberg of Newsmax.

Sorbo was responding after being shown a clip of Maher mocking the new “Noah” film and describing the God of the Old Testament as a “psychotic mass murderer.”

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  1. I have this same situation in my own family. The True Believers feel sorry for all of the rest of us not just Bill Maher. They are so certain that their narrow minded views are correct that they assume that since we deny what they know to be the truth, that we must have some issues of anger or resentment to not see the “truth” as they do. And since we are ultimately going to hell its only right that they feel sorry for us for we will not be with them in paradise which, of course, we don’t get to go to until we die.

  2. First of all, this guy narrating at the start is an idiot. Why so much hate ? you start by saying ‘oh, 8 people watch the show’ , you are already on the defensive, that is the type of crap Fox news will say before referencing stuff like TYT, you guys are just low.
    Secondly, you are progressives, so no matter what bill maher says, you will swallow it like a hooker , but can i just ask, why so much hate ? this Sorbo guy doesnt even really say anything , except, wow Bill is Angry, and you spend 3 minutes insulting him, you are really like FOX , but inverted. If you dont believe in God, thats great for you, you dont have to insult other people’s beliefs (and you would never say anything about Mohammed). Its like a right wing guy insulting you because you dont hate gays like him, think about it, WHY THE HATE AND ANGER ?

    1. The idiot Sorbo starts trotting out stereotypes about atheists immediately. Stupid ideas deserve to be ridiculed (like, perhaps, the story of a loving and perfect deity that is apparently forced, through his incompetence – despite the perfection, mind you – to wipe the slate clean by committing the biggest mass murder ever). The true beauty of freedom of speech and a marketplace of ideas is that ideas must compete. If you believe something for no good reason, and it happens to also be damaging and pretty outright ridiculous on its face, then perhaps your beliefs should be insulted. If I was spouting dumb racist or sexist ideas I would expect backlash. Theists have simply enjoyed being in the majority for far too long. The only reason these ideas aren’t laughed at like the myths of Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and every other pantheon of gods is that there are still so many stubborn people with sleeping brains who band together to defend the biggest scam in the world. If there weren’t so many of these people meddling in the affairs of others and influencing policy that governs the real world while abusing their children as they mock the sane ones for not believing in the invisible sky-daddy then perhaps atheists wouldn’t feel so much the need to criticize and mock. Then again, Maher is a comic, so lighten up.

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