You’ll Never Guess Who Loves Putin

In YouTube Posts by Hlarson3 Comments


*Vladimir Putin is getting all sorts of love from America. Republican hawks have been impressed with the Russian autocrat’s machismo, while social conservatives can’t help but tip their hat to his anti-gay policies. The latter category welcomed the evangelist Franklin Graham to its ranks this month. Graham, the son of Rev. Billy Graham, praised Putin…* What do other right wingers including Pat Buchanan have to say about this (versus what they have to say about President Obama)? The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

*Read more here from Tom Kludt / TPM:


  1. The Russian population views are shared by Putin pretty much. It is him who in part implants those distorted views into masses. Putin should be blamed for whatever Russia does now. It is not managed democracy – Russia has never known what democracy is, at least, in standards what Americans imply under “democracy’ – not ideal, either. Whoever used to live in neighborhood or Russians becomes Russophobic very soon, that is a reality. Putin could have said, no, I am not in favor of breaking internationally recognized borders of Ukraine. but he did not. Why? Because he does it all the time. Russia and Putin supports occupational and criminal regimes in Transdnestre, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Nagorno-Karabakh. Why? Because he thinks like that. That’ s in the scope of Russian sphere of influence (which is a ill-formed doctrine, wnyway). Is Putin in any danger to say: all those criminal regimes above should be eliminated? No, he is safe and his status is very solid and hardly could be compromised. But Putin does not want to follow international norms, that is the problem.

    Those neocons, obviously, are narrow minded people. Most of them do not even have proper education even to find a particular country on the map, spell a country name properly or have any minimal knowledge about what they are talking about. All is blah-blah-blah.

    1. Actually, Crimea voted to join Russia. They knew this was coming for years, and so did we. Crimea has a Russian majority– that is how democracy works out.

  2. Cent you’re acting like a fool. Your(USA) neocons aren’t flattering Putin, they’re insulting Obama by comparison because he isn’t living up to their aggressive war mongering standard. There is a difference. Putin is the leader of a managed democracy. A managed democracy is still a democracy. The homophobic policies in Russia are a reflection of the majority, not of Putin. As far as I know he is in the business of staying in power so going against the wishes of the majority in this instance would not bode well for him. Your obvious disdain for Putin is probably unsurprising given your upbringing in a country that has bred a Russophobic mentality into it’s citizens for the better part of a century. Please try to be a little more objective if you want to maintain some credibility

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