TYT Feb 28, 2014 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by sobeyar0 Comments

Cenk, Ben, John, and Jimmy hosting.  President Obama announced a new initiative called My Brother’s Keeper, which would help young Black men get by the hurdles that they encounter early and often in life.  Video of the president speaking about why this is important, and how he had a lot in common with some of these kids.  Some of the issues people had with his words and the plan.  Videos of Bill O’Reilly telling Valerie Jarrett about what he thinks Obama should do to straighten out the Black youth of America…by telling Jay-Z and Kanye to knock off the “gangsta rap.”  The panel points out how White artists have been making drug music for decades. President Obama announced that our military is developing an IronMan.  Video of the military’s conceptual vision of this technology.  After the anti-gay bill was vetoed in Arizona, the president of Tea Party Nation wrote a fundraising piece that sees the future of religious people as being enslaved by these civil rights for everyone.  He went on to claim that wedding cake makers will have to make penis cakes, and wedding photographers will have to take pictures of a gay wedding where they won’t be wearing clothes and will be having sex in front of the camera.  Boise State Univ is looking to allow concealed carry on campus, so one professor there wrote a very sarcastic op-ed that asks when he can shoot and kill his students.

Look for TYT Announcements from Ambassador Jeni here: http://bit.ly/TYTForum

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