TYT Feb 20, 2014 Hour 1

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Cenk Uygur hosting from TYT Headquarters. Things are only getting worse in the Ukraine protests. The death count is now over 100 people. 67 police officers have been captured. There seems to be significant violent action on both sides and things seem to be spinning out of control and toward civil war. Massive protests are also occurring in Venezuela. Video has emerged in which at least one protester appears to have been shot by police. Ted Nugent’s clownish statements continue and Wolf Blitzer sets him straight.

President Obama comes to his senses and takes preemptive social security cuts off of the table. However, the chained CPI proposal is still potentially in play. Obama continues his corporatist leanings along with the leaders of Mexico and Canada as they pursue economically questionable trade deals in secret, such as the TPP. Apparently democracy is too inconvenient for these so-called democratic leaders. HLN regular, Frank Taaffe, is saying a bunch of ridiculous and outrageously racist things on twitter and, unsurprisingly, claims his account was hacked. Unfortunately, he said similar things on his podcast. Oops. He also despicably said a black life was validated when a white person killed them and disgustingly called Oprah the n-word. Asshole. The Obama administration’s drone use continues to kill innocent civilians as new facts come to light regarding the strike on the Yemeni wedding back in December.

Hank Thompson joins Cenk for a twitter storm.

Look for TYT Announcements from Ambassador Jeni here: http://bit.ly/TYTForum

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