TYT Feb 19, 2014 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by sobeyar0 Comments

Cenk hosting.  The Net Neutrality debate is back after bad news from several months ago after Tom Wheeler of the FCC stood up for a free and open internet.  A push to restore voting rights for ex-felons that served their prison time has come forward due to the urging of Eric Holder and Rand Paul.  Video of Eric Holder making his case, connecting it to the disenfranchisement of minorities.  The Kansas bill that looked to openly allow businesses to discriminate against gay citizens is now dead.  Republicans that originally voted for it now completely regretting it.  Latest from the conflict in Kiev, Ukraine where some graphic footage of some people being shot has surfaced.  It also seems that a truce has been reached. Louie Gohmert has started a PAC to fight back against the “War on Conservatives.”  In a new poll about the war in Afghanistan, 49% of Americans believe it was a mistake to ever even go in.  Kinky Friedman, a singer/songwriter is running as a Democrat for Agriculture Commissioner in Texas so that he can legalize marijuana.  An 84 year old nun along with 2 elderly male accomplices have been sentenced for 3 years and 5 years for breaking into a huge uranium plant to make the political statement that we shouldn’t produce nuclear weapons.  A chef at a fancy grocery store/deli in North Carolina was fired after having a testy conversation with the governor inside the store.  In response, the chef was later fired.  Gov McCrory’s security team sought out the management and told on him, but denied that they asked for him to be fired.  They also found and sifted through his Facebook page and found a random interaction to claim that the chef threatened bodily harm.  After this made news, the Democrat mayor of Charlotte reached out to the fired cook and said he would pass along his resume to some connections to see if he can get him another job.

Look for TYT Announcements from Ambassador Jeni here: http://bit.ly/TYTForum

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