The Endangered Black Rhino Hunter (Interview with Corey Knowlton)

In YouTube Posts by Hlarson1 Comment



Corey Knowlton is going to shoot an endangered Black Rhino in Namibia. He won an auction from the Dallas Safari Club’s for a black rhino hunting permit from the Namibian government, and has been getting death threats ever since. How can one rationalize shooting an endangered animal? Why does Knowlton say he’s actually helping endangered species? Why shoot the animal, as opposed to tranquilizing it?

Cenk Uygur asks Corey Knowlton about why he paid $350,000 to shoot and kill a black Rhino, and why.


  1. The interview went a little light on the fact this man enjoys killing. He calls it hunting. Of the 128 species he killed, he ate them? He has said in past interviews ” I want the experience of killing a black Rhino”. I think the public feels a revulsion regarding someone that wants and enjoys killing versus a park ranger that is doing his job. Much like a policeman that is forced to shoot versus a policeman that looks for opportunities to shoot.

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