TYT Feb 13, 2014 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by omegacat0 Comments

Cenk hosting today. Comcast buying Time Warner is the issue of discussion, and the fear of monopoly over what goes on air. Mass protests in Turkey over government censorship of the internet, and trials against generals who supposedly were trying to start a coupe. The government used pepper spray water cannons against protesters and reporters. Anti-debt group, “The Can Kicks Back”, tries to target millenials in cutting social security. Unfortunately for them, they are deeply in debt.

Krystal Ball goes on a rant about how Hillary Clinton would be a bad choice for 2016 because she is corporate friendly. Bill O’Reilly calls Ball anti-capitalist and defends Hillary Clinton. Anti-LGBT laws being proposed are the new form of segregation, which allows people to refuse to offer services to gays if it opposes their religious beliefs. Rush Limbaugh talks about Michael Sam coming out, and is confused why homosexuality is politicized and not heterosexuality.

CO Rep. Bernie Herpin says the fact that James Holmes had a 100 round magazine was a good thing, because there was a higher chance that the magazine would jam. Twitter Storm with Rick Strom.

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