TYT 12.20.13 Hour 2

In Uncategorized by Elderrune0 Comments

Renisha McBride update: testimony from a woman who spoke with Renisha right after she crashed her car. She was intoxicated, covered in blood, and in shock. Two environmentalist protesting fracking by dropping a Hunger Games-inspired glitter banner are being charged for a terrorism hoax.

Researchers at Harvard University have discovered an age-fighting compound that reverses age drastically in mice, and hope to start doing human trials soon. Video of a guy with gun on a train in Seattle who gets incapacitated by the guy he was pointing the gun at with Krav Maga skills. Kate Winslet pissed off men’s rights activists for saying her children never see their fathers.

 Look for TYT Announcements from Ambassador Jeni here: http://bit.ly/TYTForum


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