December 12, 2013 Hour 2

In Uncategorized by Elderrune0 Comments

A 16 year old from Texas who killed 4 kids in a drunk driving accident is only getting 10 years probation. His defense? Affluenza. He believed that because of his wealth and privilege there was no rational link between cause and consequence. The probation and treatment program is going to cost around $450,000, which his father is going to pay. Update on the Mandela sign language interpreter: apparently he has a history of schizophrenia, and that during the ceremony he started hallucinating and seeing angels.

Brooklyn, NY, is the supposed lesbian capital of the northeast.  In the UK, lesbian encounters/experiences are on the rise. Since 1990, there are 4x as many people who say they have had a lesbian experience. The Chinese state broadcast CCTV tried to justify the countries smog problem by making a list of benefits from the pollution. Among others, they say that it unifies the people.

Nothing has changed in India since they supposedly decided to tighten up the rape problem in the country last year. Also in India – homosexual acts have been criminalized, based on a colonial era law. MI lawmakers have passed a rape insurance law, banning insurance companies from getting abortions even when raped.

 Look for TYT Announcements from Ambassador Jeni here:

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