TYT 12.03.13 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by omegacat0 Comments

Cenk, Ana, John, and Jimmy hosting.  Cenk is back with a lot of energy and stories of his rushed flight home as he runs into the studio.  Video of Congressional Repubs bashing ObamaCare at a press conference with Boehner finally offering absolutely no alternative.  Mashup of other Republicans that have nothing to offer.

Bill O’Reilly has launched his annual War on Christmas.  He and his guest spoke about their latest incident from the ACLU’s plan to eliminate Christmas by suing a school.  After cursory research the true story about the plan was easily debunked.  Wisconsin governor Scott Walker sent out a mailer asking parents to donate to his campaign in place of their Christmas shopping.

A California Republican presented a ballot initiative that would change the electoral process to the popular vote only in large states like California, which would change the results to lean impossibly in favor of Republican candidates.  One Alabama football fan shot and killed another Alabama fan because she wasn’t sad enough about their loss over the weekend.

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