TYT 11.26.13 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by omegacat0 Comments

Ben hosting.  The Supreme Court is going to take up the contraception case when it comes to healthcare again.  During Obama’s California trip, he was speaking in San Francisco and was greeted by a protester that was concerned about the immigration laws.  Obama responded by saying he can’t simply use executive orders to circumvent the Congress.  While at a fundraiser at a prominent Jewish donor in Beverly Hills last night, Obama defended the deal with Iran to avoid their nuclear progress.  Some weren’t buying the deal due to the damage Iran could inflict on Israel if they are successful.

Pope Francis continues to speak like a Pope regarding social issues and our disregard for the poor.  He wrote a 224 page essay disparaging trickle down economics and the disastrous elements of capitalism.  Ben thinks that if he keeps talking like this, he will receive hate from Conservatives despite their reverence for him and his position.  Story of the CIA’s secret program of taking Gitmo detainees and turning them into spies to lead us to Al Qaeda operatives back in their old country.  CBS has decided to suspend 60 Minutes producer and reporter Lara Logan for their faulty Benghazi story.  Alec Baldwin has also been fired from MSNBC for using two anti-gay slurs.

Redskins owner Dan Snyder introduced new t-shirts that feature Navajo Code Talkers as a positive selling point.  Dinesh D’Souza tweeted that he’s thankful we survived a “Grownup Trayvon Martin” in the White House before deleting the tweet.  Despite his deletion, he lashed out at the Left for criticizing him for it.

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