November 7, 2013 Hour 1

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Cenk Uygur hosting from YouTube Space LA. Cenk gives an Indiegogo progress update and the upcoming TYT Meetup schedule. Visit for more info. A new smartphone video of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has surfaced in which he manically and violently threatens to murder an unnamed person. The Mayor also appeared to be inebriated in the video. Rob Ford publically apologized for the rant to reporters and still refuses to resign from office. Vice President Joe Biden accidentally called the wrong Marty Walsh when trying to congratulate the Mayor-elect of Boston. Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL) is trying to rally an effort to impeach Attorney General Eric Holder. When Yoho’s Chief of Staff, Cat Cammack, was pressed for substantive grounds for an impeachment hearing she was unable to provide any. The new Time magazine cover depicts New Jersey Governor Chris Christie in a way that draws attention to his weight along with the title, “The Elephant in the Room.” Was this an intentional choice by the editors? Was it appropriate? The TYT Supreme Court issues a ruling.

Cenk gives member shoutouts and an Indiegogo update. Rep. Steve King (R-IA) threatens to try to remove Speaker Boehner if immigration reform is brought to the House floor. Sen. Dan Coats (R-IN) voiced opposition to ENDA arguing that it would hurt the economy and violate the first amendment rights of anti-LGBT businesses. Cenk predicted a few days ago that Ken Cuccinelli had a chance against Terry McAuliffe and that if anyone could screw up the election with so little time left it would be McAuliffe. It turns out Cuccinelli lost, but was closing in during the final days and hours on McAuliffe. Despite the loss, the Tea Party and the mainstream media are spinning the results, giving him credit for the race being so competitive. An editorial writer for Guns and Ammo magazine was fired for making reasonable arguments in support of gun-safety laws and other regulations.

Kim Horcher of Nerd Alert joins Cenk for a Twitter Storm!

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