November 5, 2013 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by Elderrune0 Comments

Cenk Uygur hosting from YouTube Space LA. Cenk gives an Indiegogo campaign update. Ambassador Jenny along with the Cenk bobblehead is currently in New Mexico. Check out for more info. Toronto Mayor Rob Ford admits to smoking crack in a “drunken stupor,” but doesn’t remember being caught on video. Senator Mitch McConnell and Republicans are trying to sneak anti-union measures in to an amendment of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act which seeks to end discrimination against LGBT employees in the workplace. Speaker Boehner plans on blocking the legislation if it reaches the House claiming it would harm the economy. With the release of Double Down by Mark Halperin and John Heilemann, new insight about President Obama’s and Vice President Biden’s political evolution of their stance on gay marriage has been brought to light. Not surprisingly, there was a lot of political calculation involved with making their personal positions regarding gay rights public. Conservative Democratic senators Manchin, Landrieu and others are trying to delay the implementation of certain ACA elements given the glitches during the rollout so far. Senator Ted Cruz’s father, Rafael Cruz, equates gay rights with the destruction of the traditional family and evolution with Communism, all in his hilarious accent.

Cenk reads #TYTLive tweets. Swami Cenk takes a victory lap with the correct prediction that Bill DeBlasio would win the NYC mayoral election back on August 10 while DeBlasio was polling third in the Democratic primary. The mayoral election is still under way today, but he leads by 40 points in most polls so it’s an all but certain prediction at this point. During Don Lemon’s radio commentary, the CNN anchor defends the controversial NYC stop (question) and frisk policy. Lemon speculates that if stop and frisk were stopped under the new mayoral administration, the economy would suffer from a drop in tourist income and people would feel less safe in general. He added, “would you rather be politically correct or safe and alive?”

Cenk gives an Indiegogo campaign update. Money and political hackery is the problem with the systemic status quo. Wolf PAC is a solution. Resolutions are being introduced even in the red states of Idaho, Kentucky, and Texas to get money out of politics. Visit for more.

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Look for TYT Announcements from Ambassador Jenny here:


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