October 15, 2013 Hour 2

In Uncategorized by Elderrune0 Comments

Ana Kasparian joins Cenk for the second hour. New information leaked from Edward Snowden indicates that the NSA has been collecting data from online address books as part of their domestic data mining operations. The NSA circumvented privacy protections by finding a loophole in the law due to the fact that many telecommunications companies use servers located overseas. Anonymous targets the town of Maryville, MO for further vigilante investigation over the possible mishandling of the alleged rape of Daisy Coleman. Krokodil, a designer drug originating in Russia meant to simulate the effects of heroin, may have been the mysterious cause of death for a few Oklahoma users. Krokodil is named for the scaly appearance it gives the skin of those who use the drug.

Cenk reads #TYTLive tweets and gives Indiegogo and member shoutouts. Maria Kang, an attractive mother of three, posts a picture of herself scatilly clad in fitness wear on Facebook with the title “What’s your excuse?” She claims to have posted the pictures to motivate others to get in to shape. The TYT Supreme Court issues their rulings. Halloween decorations at a house in Mustang, Oklahoma are so realistic that they prompt a 911 call. The CDC conducted a study and created a digital rendering of the average man in the United States and other countries around the world.


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