October 15, 2013 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by Elderrune0 Comments

Cenk Uygur hosting from YouTube Space LA. The deadline for the decision on the debt ceiling is looming and set on the agenda for Thursday. Things aren’t looking good. The situation is now at DEFCON 3. Pat Buchanan, Louie Gohmert and other conservative leaders in the Tea Party and the GOP seemed to have doubled down and become more brazen in their obstinence.

Senator McCain realizes the gravity of the situation for the Republicans and expresses a willingness to negotiate and end the shutdown, but not without a concession from the Democrats. RNC chairman Reince Priebus speaks on the government shutdown. Pat Robertson tries to talk some sense in to conservatives, most likely because he just got off the phone with his stockbroker. Ted Cruz has won the Values Voter Summit with 42% of the vote for his “strategy” to impose a backdoor impeachment of President Obama for his final four years by rendering him ineffective. A high school principal in Nebraska has canceled the pledge of allegiance for the duration of the government shutdown sparking controversy. A Spirit Lake, Idaho Council Member is accused of flashing his privates after a bar altercation and then tried to use his municipal government position to avoid charges. President Obama issues the first sentence commutation of his presidency to a nonviolent drug offender who was convicted and sentenced to federal prison under questionable circumstances. As far as pardons and commutations are concerned, Obama has been stingier than his past two predecessors.

Ambassador Jenny breaks out the umbrella for a Twitter Storm.


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