August 26, 2013 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by Elderrune0 Comments

Cenk hosting today.  Pat Robertson gave some hilarious advice to a female viewer that is disturbed by her boyfriend’s addiction to porn.  Now that investigators are looking into the source of the chemical weapons use in Syria, many politicians are in favor of American intervention while a large portion of the American people are against it.  From the tone of the politicians, Cenk concludes that the decision to intervene in some manner has been decided.

Some of the latest reports shows that the CIA has acknowledged that we overthrew the Democratically elected leader of Iran and helped Iraq use nerve gas attacks on the country.  The paper trail of knowledge about this went all the way up to President Reagan.,2  Cenk points out that people like Joe Scarborough continue to believe that Iranians simply hate us because they hate us.  Memos about our involvement in Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait for their oil were revealed in some of Bradley Manning’s leaks.    It has been confirmed that some NSA officers used their spying powers to look into the lives of love interests. As the 50th Anniversary of the MLK “Dream” speech passes, clueless Conservatives like Bill O’Reilly and Gov Bobby Jindal tried to downplay continued racism in America.

Sen Ted Cruz told CNN that Obama could possibly sign a bill that would defund ObamaCare due to his tricky legislation.  Donald Trump is being sued by the NY Attorney General for his fraudulent Trump University that took advantage of the many students that paid up to $35,000.


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