July 8, 2013 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by Elderrune0 Comments

Eliot Spitzer running for NYC Comptroller. Cenk’s reaction. The video of a pastor that makes Cenk wish he could be a pastor.  Pat Robertson spoke about how accepting gay marriage could make the earth vomit our country like it did in Leviticus. George W. Bush spoke to ABC about multiple topics, including how the Obama Admin kept his counterterrorism programs.  Bush pointed out that Obama must have realized the dangers threatening the country and kept everything.  Rick Perry announces that he will not run for another term as Texas governor.  A state representative of Missouri wants to bring back the gas chamber for the death penalty since there is a debate over the humanity of lethal injection. Violence in Egypt. Daniel Ellsberg wrote an article defending Edward Snowden, claiming that he stayed in the country because it was a different America than it is today.

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