June 3, 2013 Hour 2

In Uncategorized by Elderrune0 Comments

Ana joins Cenk for SCS.  Bradley Manning trial started today.  Buzzfeed filmed people’s reactions to Game of Thrones episode last night.  Michael Douglas opened up about his throat cancer, claiming that it was caused and cured by cunnilingus.  Synthetic marijuana have been killing people in Australia, since natural marijuana is illegal and the synthetic stuff is unregulated.  Now that marijuana is legal in Washington, the police dogs have to be retrained to not sniff it out.


Female Israeli soldiers posed in sexy pics posted on the internet.  After the Boy Scouts have allowed gay youth in their ranks, many Baptist churches are pulling support.  Study on income inequality between gay homes and straight homes found that many gay couples live in the same poverty that straight couples do.  Children of gay couples are 2x more likely to grow up in poverty than straight families.


Member Thanks.  Amanda Bynes is now in a feud with RuPaul over her tweet that called People Magazine faggots.  Slate article about how the military has experimented with a drug that keeps them awake for 90 hours straight.

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