May 22, 2013 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by Elderrune0 Comments

Segment 1

Cenk hosting today.  In South London, two men attacked a soldier returning from his barracks, butchering him with knives.  When people filmed them, one addressed the camera to explain their motivations.  The country is considering it an act of terrorism.  As of today, the U.S. government has killed 4 American citizens in drone strikes overseas.  An acquaintance of Tamerlan Tzarnaev was brought in for questioning by the FBI, who eventually shot him to death.  They claimed that he charged one of the officers, injuring him & forcing him to shoot.


Segment 2

The anatomy of a journalistic leak vs. the scenario the DOJ describes to indict Julian Assange.  Fox News didn’t have any problem with this when it was focused on Assange, but now that its been exposed that they have targeted their own James Rosen, they are outraged.  Fox & Friends mentioned that when positive news about the Admin is leaked, its celebrated, but when its not flattering, someone gets wiretapped.  Video of McConnell agreeing with the Admin’s decision to probe the AP over potential national security leaks.

Segment 3

It has been exposed that the Apple company has only paid 2% in taxes on billions in overseas income.  The CEO of Apple was brought in front of a Senate panel to be questioned about it, and Rand Paul gushed over the company and vehemently defended them.  Paul is going on a fundraising tour in Silicon Valley next week.  He also went on a tirade about how high our corporate tax code is.


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