TYT 10.08.12 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by glmulhern0 Comments

Hour 1
Segment 1
Cenk hosting today. Video of Obama joking about how he didnt perform flawlessly at the debate. Cenk remembers that he called the election over a week ago as the polls show that the race is suddenly tied. Video of Paul Krugman talking about how the media is afraid to point out flat out untruths told by Mitt Romney. Videos of Romney outlining his foreign policy at a speech at VMI. He ran through countless promises with no real strategy behind them. Republicans’ foreign policy is to criticize everything Obama does and advocate the opposite, without having a plan of their own. Romney also talked about how he’d bring peace to the Israelis and Palestinians. Videos of him in talking down the idea of Palestinians cooperating enough to bring peace. The conflict between Turkey and Iran is increasing. Videos of a PBS special outlining the disaster happening in Syria.

Segment 2
Rep Paul Broun called evolution lies straight from the pit of hell that were created to make people believe they shouldn’t be saved. John Hubbard, a State Rep in Arkansas, wrote that Black Americans don’t appreciate education and screwed it up for White Americans. He also said that slavery may have been a blessing in disguise for Black people. Another crazy Republican hates Abraham Lincoln and wished the Confederacy was still around. Another Republican believes that a disobedient child should be given the death penalty by their parents.

Segment 3
Recapping the Jon Stewart/Bill O’Reilly debate

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