09.11.2012 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by glmulhern0 Comments

Hour 1
Segment 1
Cenk hosting today. Dick Cheney wants credit for the assassination of bin Laden, claiming that Obama needs to pay attention to his briefings to see the light. Cenk goes into detail about the briefings the Bush Admin completely ignored before 9-11. Cenk lists the failed people that worked in the Bush Admin that are prepared to serve in a Romney Admin. Video of McCain calling Obama’s foreign policy an abysmal failure. Poll about how much credit Obama gets for getting bin Laden. 31% say that they are not sure, while 6% say Romney. Among Republicans, 15% say that Romney gets credit.

Segment 2
Sheldon Adelson’s tax advantages if Mitt Romney is elected. Polls on who is more likable between Romney and Obama. Repealing DADT has had no negative effect on the military.

Segment 3
Graphic anti-gay political ads determined to scare people into voting against certain politicians that pandered to the gay vote. Cenk sees the truth behind these ads, but doesnt like the negative angle they took. Reince Priebus getting smacked around by Chris Matthews at the RNC about the birth certificate and welfare. Cenk annoyed by the “objectivity” of the media, while ignoring the facts. Bill Maher vs. Tom Brokaw.

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