09.05.12 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by glmulhern0 Comments

Hour 1
Segment 1–16:00
Cenk hosting from Current’s NYC studio today. Recapping the DNC speeches last night that hit Mitt Romney from every angle. Quotes from Martin O’Malley’s speech that went after him. Lilly Ledbetter spoke. Deval Patrick and Ted Strickland took a 2×4 to Mitt’s head. Their words almost made Cenk believe they may be Progressives.

Segment 2–22:00
Videos of Julian Castro’s keynote speech last night. Videos from Michelle Obama’s speech. Old footage of Lenore Romney speaking about how George Romney was on welfare and needed some help to get going when he first came to America. Bill Clinton previewed parts of his speech for tonight’s DNC. Cenk thinks the Dems should push the line, “Yeah, the Republicans built that deficit.” Some Dems on Sunday shows bumbled the simple answer to ‘Are we better off than 4 years ago?’ Virgil Goode and his candidacy in Virginia. Him being on the ballot could cost Romney the state.

Segment 3–15:00
A Canadian politician that just won a seat for the Separatist Party in Quebec was giving her acceptance speech when gunshots rang out, killing one person and injuring another. Glenn Beck had a miserable time in NYC over the weekend because people treated him rudely. He also included his bad experience on American Airlines. Hank Williams, Jr has been calling Obama a Muslim that hates cowgirls, fishing, and Americans. Alec Baldwin responded with scathing tweets directed at Williams. A new Grinder app that allows gay men to discover each other more easily. While the RNC was in town, their traffic increased by 242%.

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