08.29.12 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by glmulhern0 Comments

Hour 1
Segment 1–31:00
Cenk hosting from Current NYC studios. Recapping the highlights and lowlights of the RNC speeches last night. Video of Ann Romney’s speech where she blatantly claimed, “I love you Women!” Video of Erin Burnett admitting that the speech and Mitt coming out brought a tear to her eye. Videos of Ann promising that Mitt will be the best. Cenk talks about the lack of authenticity & relatability in Ann Romney’s speech. Videos of Chris Christie’s keynote speech last night. Cenk thinks it was a great speech for the audience, but doesn’t believe the words behind it. Video of Santorum claiming that marriage is under attack in America, and its destroying us and his obsession with touching hands. Video of Ted Cruz taking Obama’s “yes we can” line and twisting it for Republican consumption.

Segment 2–15:30
A delegate at the RNC threw peanuts at a Black camerawoman saying, “This is how we feed the animals.” Its guys like this that the Party targets with false ads and talking points about welfare. Latest poll numbers. Other news and notes from the speakers at the convention. John Kasich.

Segment 3–22:30
ABC News reports that Mitt Romney is hosting his top 50 donors on his yacht that flies the Cayman Islands flag. The esteemed company gave at least $1 million to Romney’s campaign. Ben Quayle lost his primary battle in Arizona. Hurricane Isaac’s effect on the Gulf Coast and the government response to it. Gov Jindal is demanding federal money to help the relief effort despite the countless times he said the federal government is wasting money on states. An American woman was killed when run over by an Israeli vehicle as they were destroying Palestinian homes. The Israelis pushed the issue aside. Murray Energy has a list of which employees gave to the Romney campaign and which didn’t. They also made their miners go to a Romney event, but docked their pay of work for missing it. Details of Navy Seal Team 6 and their raid to kill Osama bin Laden. One member has written a book with the real account, that didn’t sound like a bad action movie.

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