08.23.12 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by glmulhern0 Comments

Hour 1
Segment 1
Cenk hosting today. Polls showing that Obama is much more liked than Romney. Other poll numbers comparing Obama to Romney. Republican meme about Obama’s “You didn’t build that.” The location of the Republican National Convention was built with 62% government money. Pew Research numbers on the devastation of the middle class over the past 10 years. Clinton is currently the most popular ex-President. Lawsuit from non-religious families who have no representation in the 9/11 memorial. VIDEO of Fox News objecting. Reagan and tax rates. Bill Koch building a western town but won’t allow people in it. When tax rates are so low, rich people have no idea what to do with their money.

Segment 2
Romney’s energy plan is a giveaway to energy companies.

Segment 3
Dave Koller reporting on hurricanes. US Senate candidate tells reporter to fuck himself. Todd Akin – down by 10 in latest poll. Paul Ryan supports the bills that limit abortion rights VIDEO. A Democratic ad that pins anti-abortion accusations on Romney and Ryan. VIDEO of RNC spokesperson Sean Spicer trying to back away from Congressman Akin’s comments.

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