08.03.12 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by glmulhern0 Comments

Hour 1
Segment 1
Cenk and Ben hosting today. Jenna Jameson has endorsed Romney, pointing out that if you’re rich, you want a Republican in office. Updates on Tampa adult entertainment industry preparing for the RNC. Rep Pete Sessions warned his Republican colleagues to be careful while in town having “a late night cup of coffee” because ppl could be watching and trying to catch them in compromising positions. Steven Baldwin talks about his Christianity and how it hurt his acting career. Kurk Cameron’s career. Glenn Beck talked about how US sovereignty is under assault from the UN’s Agenda 21.

Segment 2
National Pew poll shows Obama leading Romney by 10 points, 51-41. Cenk takes this as proof that his tactic to tear Romney apart on taxes and Bain works. More on Harry Reid’s assertion that Romney hasn’t paid taxes in 10 years. Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh tried espousing ridiculous points about Obama being born in Kenya and his college transcripts to illustrate how wrong Reid is for saying Romney hasn’t paid taxes. Video of Mitt Romney from ‘04 saying that people recognize the problems with job growth are not Bush’s fault, that its poppycock.

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