LIVE from TYT on Current: Rafalca Romney, police violence, and “Dirty” Harry Reid

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Republicans call liberals elitist, forgetting that Mitt Romney has a $77,000 Olympic dressage horse
Cenk calls out Republicans for calling liberals latte-drinking, arugula-eating elitists when presidential candidate Mitt Romney spends approximately $10,000 a year just to clothe one of his dressage horses.

Cenk on law enforcement: ‘For the smallest infractions, they’re willing to take our lives from us’
Cenk lays out why news stories like an August report about a 12-year-old who was tazed by a police office won’t stop unless Americans demand a better system. “Whether it’s the bank story… or whether it’s these stories, they don’t care about us,” Cenk says. “It’s supposed to be our government, but it isn’t our government. It’s the government of, by and for the rich.”

Keep playing dirty, Harry: Why Sen. Reid’s attacks on Romney are totally justified
Cenk defends Sen. Harry Reid attacks on Mitt Romney to release his taxes. “He’s making a charge. Hey, show me what you got. Make my day.”


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