LIVE from TYT on Current: Lenny McAllister defends Chick-Fil-A, Sam Alipour on Olympics sex, Immortal Technique on gov’t gangsters

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Battlefield: Chick-fil-A continues with the latest round of culture wars
The culture war over Chick-fil-A continues, with Mayor Menino from Boston and Mayor Emanuel from Chicago both saying the chain wouldn’t be welcome in their towns. Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum are calling for a day of “Chick-fil-A” appreciation while protesters are targeting locations on both coasts and planning a “kiss-in” next week. Cenk talks to conservative author Lenny McAllister about Dan Cathy’s comments on “traditional marriage” and freedom of speech. “I don’t think this is a simple political issue where we have honest disagreement,” Cenk says. “One side is saying, I’m going to take your rights away.”
Athletes’ sexual exploits at the Olympics are ‘good, clean fun,’ says ESPN writer
Cenk talks to Sam Alipour about his “ESPN Magazine” article on Olympic athletes who are having a surprising amount of sex before and after their big show-downs. “Most of it is standard, Olympian-on-Olympian, good clean fun,” Alipour says, and they’re making good use of the 100,000 condoms provided in the residences for competitors.
Rapper Immortal Tech on Occupy, Rush Limbaugh vs. Ice-T and how the World Bank is the biggest gangster of them allĀ 
Cenk interviews rapper Immortal Technique about his experiences with the Occupy movement, why Rush Limbaugh is a “douche” and who are the real thugs and gangsters on the world stage. “A real gangster says, ‘Here you go, here’s $50 million from the World Bank, you’re going to change the way that you have labor laws in your country.’ They’re more gangster than anyone who pretends to be a gangster in the rap world. They have no business judging anybody, and they have no moral high ground to stand on.”

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