LIVE from TYT on Current TV: Erin Burnett on Romney, Michael Skolnik, and The Newsroom

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Robot-on-robot crime!’ Even Erin Burnett joins call for Romney to release tax returns
As conservatives join liberals in demanding that Mitt Romney release all of his tax returns, “Everybody is piling on,” Cenk says. But we still didn’t expect that Cenk would end up agreeing with CNN’s Erin Burnett! “Et tu, Burnett! How could you do this to Romney? Robot on robot crime!”

Did Fox News host Sean Hannity offer to pay for George Zimmerman’s defense?
Cenk talks to editor-in-chief Michael Skolnik, who discovered that in George Zimmerman’s jailhouse tapes he references someone he calls “S.H.” who might help pay for his defense. Could it be Sean Hannity, who has had off-the-record conversations with Zimmerman before? Fox News denied that Hannity has contributed financially, but Skolnik says a “rock solid source” confirms at least some of the story.

Just how real is HBO’s ‘The Newsroom’? Cenk and film critic Ben Mankiewicz review the show
HBO’s “The Newsroom” seems very familiar to “The Young Turks.” But how real is it? Our own Ben Mankiewicz (who reviews film for Turner Classic Movies) and Cenk take a closer look. “As a critic, I find the show pretty unwatchable,” Mankiewicz says, but when there’s more journalistic heroism, “It’s the reason why guys like you and me keep watching.”

[BLOG] From the show: Mitt Romney’s campaign gets desperate as fellow Republicans urge him to release his taxes

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