LIVE from TYT on Current TV: Chicagoland politics, Lackland trials, and campaign censorship

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President Obama hits Mitt Romney hard with his ‘no holds barred’ campaign style
Michael Hastings, reporter for Rolling Stone and Buzzfeed, helps Cenk break down why President Obama’s team has been so successful at knocking Romney down a peg in the 2012 election campaign. “President Obama — one of his greatest talents is going out on the campaign trail,” Hastings says. “What Romney’s getting a taste of is a Chicagoland sort of politics.”

Human rights organization on the US investigating military rape cases: ‘Nothing’s changed in 20 years’
Brian Purchia, the communications director for the human rights organization Protect Our Defenders, explains that alleged sexual assaults within the US military like the cases at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas are not a new phenomenon. “I wish we could say it’s just one case, but this has gone on for decades,” Purchia says.

Media Watch: Stop letting campaign officials veto and edit their quotes, political reporters!
In this special “Media Watch,” Cenk tears into political reporters who allow White House and campaign officials to edit or approve their quotes before running them. “You’re not breaking any news,” Cenk says. “You’re not the press.”

[WEB EXTRA] Cenk: ‘Of course Bradley Manning is an American hero’
Cenk speaks at a Fort Manning rally in Los Angeles about why he thinks Pvt. Bradley Manning should be considered an American hero, not a criminal. Cenk asks the crowd, “Do you know any journalists who’ve helped you make decisions better than Bradley Manning has? Who has let you know what our military is up to? What our government is up to?”
[BLOG] From the show: Retiring retroactively, campaign censorship, and privatizing prison

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